What is Investment? Vegan or Real Leather

A Person Carrying a Brown Fancy Leather Bag
Image's Source: Pixabay

Real leather is an animal sourced tough, eco-friendly, simply decomposable, and hypoallergenic natural material and products constructed from it are durable, long-lasting, strong, timeless, breathable, have material softness, suppleness, flexibility, and these reflect attractive appearance, smooth surface, contain soft lining, strong construction methods, and more notably, leather products are long-term investment choice for the buyers.

Customers are at their liberty for making buying choices which are based on their disposable income, so, whenever they decide to purchase products made of either real leather or vegan material, their decisions depend on their family budgets.

Quality conscious men and women prefer to buy goods made from natural leather despite their high retail prices as compared to goods made from petroleum-based vegan fabrics.

Quality Matters

Those men and women who want superior quality in footwear, clothing, and other accessories, then they prefer to invest their precious money in buying shoes, boots, clothing, hats, furniture, key cases, and various accessories which are constructed from natural leather fabric.

Expert buyers know it very well that leather products are durable, robust, longer lasting, breathable, body adjustable, comfy, do not cause rashes, skin diseases, and allergies, and more significantly, these are long-term money investment for the shoppers because they continue to have on and use leather goods for the extended time period!

Those shoppers who face budgetary constraints tend to buy products made from vegan because these are cheaper than the goods which are made from natural leather.

At this point, you can comprehend that goods made from natural leather are more expensive than products made of vegan leather but as far as high quality and lasting durability are concerned products made of real leather become the number one choice for those customers who give great weightage to superior quality.

Disadvantages of Vegan Leather

Vegan and faux leathers are manufactured using synthetic materials like polyvinyl chloride, polyurethane, polymers, and plastics which combining emits carbon dioxide and other poisonous gases into the environment when these are made at factory premises through burning fossil fuels. 

As a consequence, above cited manufacturing processes disturb greenhouse effects on earth, thus, temperature rises and cracks appear in ozone layers.

Wastes of synthetic materials release toxic chemicals and effluents to the drains, oceans, rivers, and grounds which not only pollute ecology of earth but these also create health problems for humans such as cancer and skin diseases.

People can develop skin diseases, allergies, rashes, and irritation, if they wear and use Jackets, chaps, shoes, boots, sandals, and hats made from vegan leather for the extended hours.

Bad Smell

Products constructed from vegan and faux leather release bad, fishy, or chemical smells which people do not like, so, these types of smells affect their mood because people feel uncomfortable on sitting sofas, couches, furniture, ottomans, and wearing garments which are made from vegan and faux leather.

Mediocre Quality

Goods made from vegan and faux leather are low priced but these do not last longer and people consider them mediocre in quality because these develop scratches, punctures, fading, and dullness after short period of use, so, precious money and valuable time of the customers go waste with deep frustration.

Not breathable Material

Unlike real leather products which are breathable and allow air, heavy sweating, and vapors to pass through leather walls of the goods while goods made from vegan and faux leather are not breathable, so, these do not allow air, heavy perspiration, and moistures to pass through walls of the products which are plastic coated.

Advantages of Real Leather

Real leather is an animal sourced and eco-friendly natural fabric which gets decomposed easily and does not pollute ecology of earth while synthetic materials are not eco-friendly and take hundreds of years to decompose.

Goods constructed from natural leather are strong, long-lasting, durable, breathable, flexible, ageless, elegant, high-end fashion, and long-term investment choices for the customers because they continue to use and put on products made of leather for the longest time period.

Superior Quality Goods

Products made from leather such as bags, boots, shoes, sandals, slippers, luggage, sofas, couches, ottomans, furniture, and other accessories are expensive but these are considered superior quality goods worldwide.

Leather goods are long-lasting, durable, strong, and more importantly, these do not show cracks, punctures, and fading even after passing of several years with regular maintenance exercises.

High amount of money paid in buying leather products becomes low in the long run because these are longer lasting, durable, sturdy, timeless, and long-term money investment for the customers.

Breathable Leather Goods

Intelligent customers love to buy goods constructed from real leather because these are breathable and allow air and moistures to pass through leather walls which keep body part of humans cool, dry, and ventilated and protect them from allergies, rashes, pain, and discomfort.

Good Smell

Products made from natural leather release good smell which wearers and people around him or her can feel which is the mood booster for all of them.

Whenever you experience to sit on sofas, couches, furniture, and ottomans which are exquisitely upholstered in natural leather, then you have pleasant and unforgettable feelings.

Supporters of Vegan Leather

There are many organizations which support animal welfare and ethical treatment for them. They are of the view that to obtain meat and its byproducts such as hides, skins, bones, skulls, and tusks, so, animals are mercilessly slaughtered and tortured, that is why in place of animal sourced leather products, they prefer to buy items made of vegan or faux leather which are petroleum based.

According to the research of Infinium Global Research, vegan leather industry size will touch around US$ 89.6 billion by 2025 with CAGR of around 50% during the estimated period.

Divine Order

You can notice that in all major Divine-based religious practices, animals are scarified by taking the name of God Almighty. After careful sacrifice of animals, they are kept untouched until all their bloods let out from their body.

Meat of sacrificial animals’ class and other species of oceans and rivers are the major source of foods and rich protein intake all over the world. Not a single Divine religion has permitted sacrificial animals to be mercilessly butchered, beaten, and tortured.

God has created this world with diversity which is beautiful in nature where different cultures of people co-exist and earth planet looks more attractive with mountains, forests, oceans, rivers, grassy fields in which cattle graze - Let us have an 'Ariel View' of our beautiful planet!

Real Leather - Why an Investment Grade?

Hides and skins are salted, limed, dehaired, and soaked in water which is filled with compounds of tannins which are exclusively extracted from natural sources such as barks, oak, black tea, trees, woods, twigs, roots of trees, fruits, leaves, and other natural sources.

To tan and obtain finished leather sheets from natural processes take from 30 to 60 days, so, as a result, robust natural leather is produced. 

Real leather is strong, long-lasting, timeless, durable, breathable, hypoallergenic, eco-friendly, and it does not show scratches, punctures, fading, and dullness even after passing of several decades, so, that is what it falls in an investment grade worldwide.

Leather Crafting Technology and Tools
Image's Source: Pixabay

Intelligent and well-informed customers love to buy products constructed from natural leather fabric because these are sturdy, durable, long lasting, timeless, and have an efficient and well-established secondary markets for old and used products.

To buy real leather product is a long-term investment decision because you continue to use and have on items made from natural leather for the longest span of time.

Hope you have enjoyed this journey. 

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